Ambassador Program


What is the Women Walking in Their Own Shoes™ Ambassador Program?

The Women Walking in Their Own Shoes (WWITOS™) Ambassador Program is an opportunity for individuals and organization to connect and support the WWITOS™ Movement mission to develop, equip and empower women, expand and bring awareness of the Movement globally, and fundraise for the WWITOS™ Education and Award Program.

Who Can Be An Ambassador of the WWITOS™ Movement?

  1. Individual and Organization that support women empowerment
  2. Individual and Organization that understands that it takes a collective effort to support a Movement mission, and
  3. Individuals who want to make a difference in their own lives and others.

What is The Role and Responsibility of the WWITOS™ Ambassador?

The WWITOS Ambassador will be responsible for assisting the Movement with achieving our biggest goal:

Getting 10,000+ women to take the WWITOS Pledge – to say “YES” and give themselves permission to become their best selves, and create their best lives.

In addition…..

  1. Bring awareness of the Movement to your community,
  2. Raise awareness of the shift taking place of women taking control of themselves, and their destinies,
  3. Support the Movement with equipping and empowering women through program and services, and
  4. Support the WWITOS™ Foundation Education and Award Program fundraiser (optional) click here and learn more

What is The Benefit of Being an Ambassador of the WWITOS™ Movement?

  1. Helping another women demonstrates a powerful force that say, I AM MY SISTER KEEPER, and when we help each other, we all win,
  2. The opportunity to help a woman make herself, life, and destiny a priority,
  3. The joy of making the difference in someone else live, and
  4. The potential for a WWITOS™ Foundation Education Award to be mad in your, your company, or cause name.

As an Ambassador of the WWITOS™ Movement, there are some other benefits:

  1. The Exclusive WWITOS Swag Box (T-shirt, Journal, Mug and Pen),
  2. You and Your Business featured on the WWITOS™ Ambassador Page with a direct link to your site,
  3. FREE admission to the annual WWITOS Empowerment Tea with VIP status (must meet terms and conditions,
  4. Make money by becoming a WWITOS Affiliate, and
  5. The potential for a WWITOS™ Foundation Education Award to be mad in your, your company, or cause name.

Don’t ignore this opportunity to empower the women of your community and help them become their best possible self. They are counting on you to light the fire they can follow towards growth, change, and most importantly, success on their own terms.